
Stove is a block act as heat source, providing heat to the block above it.

Now there are 2 variants of Stoves, Dirt Stove and Stone Stove.

How to craft

How to interact

You will mainly interact with Stoves via right-clicking.

Right-clicking a Stove with a fuel item in hand will put it into the Stove.

Right-clicking a Stove will take Ash items out of the Stove.

Double right-clicking a Stove will force to take out the item in the Stove.

Sneaking and Right-clicking a Stove with an empty hand will open Stove's GUI, which shows detailed information of the Stove.

How to use

Stoves provide heat to the block above.

When lit, it switch the Bamboo Tray above it to Bake Mode, or boil water which is in the Porcelain Teapot above it.

Other features

  • All types of fuel will burn twice as long time as the vanilla furnaces do.

But the type of Stove will decide its working speed.

For example, a Bamboo Tray on Dirt Stove, which proceeds its baking recipe,

needs twice as long time as a Bamboo Tray on the Stone Stoves do.

  • The more Ash items in a Stove, the bigger smoke generated by it will be.

  • Stoves deal damage and give Blindness effect to mobs stand on them.

Just like a stove in the real world smokes near animals and people.

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