Bamboo Tray

Use JEI to find Bamboo Trays' all modes information and their related recipes!

Bamboo Tray Bamboo Tray is a utility block used for producing many useful items.

It has 5 different modes, each mode has its own recipes.

How to craft

How to interact

Most interactions with the Bamboo Trays are by right-clicking it,

but it have a GUI.

If you hold an item, which can be used for a Bamboo Tray's recipe that fit its current mode,

Holding this item and right-clicking the Bamboo Tray will put the item into the tray.

If the Bamboo Tray has finished its recipe, right-clicking the tray will take the product out.

But if the recipe is still proceeding, nothing will happens.

Double right-clicking the Bamboo Tray will force to take the item in the tray out.

Sneaking and right-clicking the Bamboo Tray with an empty hand will open the tray's GUI,

showing its detailed information.

How to use

Bamboo Tray has 5 different modes, you may switch from one to another to do the recipe you want.

They are Outdoor Mode,Indoor Mode, Bake Mode, Process Mode, andIn-rain Mode.

If a Bamboo Tray is put at a place where sky can be seen, and it is not in Bake Mode, Process Mode, and In-rain Mode,

it will be switched to the Outdoor Mode.

Time amount that the drying recipe taken is decided by the Humid of the place.

The drying recipe still proceeds at night, but will stop when it is rain.

Place the Bamboo Tray under a intransparent block which can block the sunlight,

and the Bamboo Tray is not in Bake Mode, Process Mode, and In-rain Mode,

then the Bamboo Tray will be switched the Bamboo Tray to the Indoor Mode.

The amount of time fermentation takes is decided by the Humid of that area.

Put Bamboo Tray on a lit Stove, and it will be switched to Bake Mode.

Put Bamboo Tray on a Wooden Frame, and it will be switched to Process Mode.

After you put some items into the tray, you can process them by right-clicking the tray with the corresponding item in your hand.

Now this mode is of no use for it is still under developing.

Put the Bamboo Tray in the rain and it will be switched into the In-rain Mode.

The item in the tray will become wet.

Automated Bamboo Tray

Put Bamboo Tray on Stone Catapult Board will automate it.

If Stone Catapult Board is redstone-activated, every time the Bamboo Tray finishes one recipe,

the product will be catapulted 1 block far, towards the direction which the Catapult Board face to.

You may put hoppers at that point to collect the products.

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